Epic ITS MDRVINFO LNGNum Language English NOSNDMNU -------- No Sound -------- Select this if you do not have a sound! card and you don't want any sound effects. PCSPKRMN ------------- No Sound Card ------------- Select this if you do not have a sound" but you want sound effects to come& through the tiny little speaker that's built into your PC. GUSMENU_ -------------------------- Advanced Gravis Ultrasound -------------------------- When selecting the Main IRQ and MIDI$ IRQ, make sure they aren't the same.# If you experience any problems with$ the music or sound, try removing the# Gravis Ultrasound drivers from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and rebooting. PASMENU_ ------------------ Pro Audio Spectrum ------------------ Select this if you have a genuine$ Mediavision Pro Audio Spectrum card. This takes advantage of: * Pro Audio Spectrum * Pro Audio Spectrum+ * Pro Audio Spectrum 16 If you haven't changed any special settings on your card, the! 'Port Address' should be '0388h'. SBMENU__ --------------------------- Creative Labs Sound Blaster --------------------------- Select this if you have a Sound! Blaster or compatible sound card. This supports non-stereo digital music and sound effects. SB16MENU ------------------------------ Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 ------------------------------ Select this only if you have a true" Sound Blaster 16, Sound Blaster 16$ ASP, AWE-32, or compatible card made by Creative Labs. This supports# high-quality stereo music and sound effects. SBPROMNU ------------------------------- Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro ------------------------------- Select this if you have a Sound& Blaster Pro card or a compatible sound% card. This supports stereo music and sound effects. If your sound card isn't a genuine! Sound Blaster Pro manufactured by% Creative Labs, and you run into music& or sound problems, we recommend trying! the 'Sound Blaster Clone' setting instead. SBCLONE_ ------------------- Sound Blaster Clone ------------------- Select this if you have a Sound! Blaster compatible sound card and# the regular 'Sound Blaster' setting" doesn't work. This option is more$ likely to be compatible with various# sound cards that are 'almost' Sound Blaster compatible. If you encounter music or sound$ problems while running the game with this setting, please see the$ instructions in the main SETUP menu. % % % % % (Go back to the main menu)